His Orthodox Imperial & Royal Majesty Emmanuel I & II has issued a statement regarding the death of HM Queen Elisabeth II of the United Kingdom.
We express our condolences to the people and Royal Family of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland following the death of Her Majesty The Queen Elisabeth II. During her time on the Throne, we were fortunate enough to experience the longest reign of any monarch in British history.
Elisabeth II was very popular in Britain and throughout the world for her personality, values and leadership. She succeeded in maintaining the Monarchy during a century of turbulence and rapid change, and served as the blueprint for any 21st Century monarch.
As a black spot on her reign, we cannot but remember the execution of 9 Greek Cypriot freedom fighters over the course of 1956 and 1957, the oldest of which was only 25 years old and the youngest just 19. Despite the international outcry and pleas from all over the world, the young Queen at the time did not pardon them, despite her right to do so. This is a deep cut that still has not healed in Cyprus' much wounded body.
We hope that the new King of Great Britain, His Majesty Charles III, will have a successful and long reign. We wish the King longevity and hope that his coronation will mark a new era of Greatness for Britain.
Emmanuel In Christ the God Faithful Basileús and Autokrátōr of the Romans, the Afentoulis